A Thousand Myths

The footpath was dusty, with bright spots of the afternoon sun glinting off the pebbles. The only relief was a stunted almond tree(badam-ka-peyd)valiantly struggling against destiny.

Location: Upstate NY, United States

Industrial designer with a deep interest in local, small-scale, market-driven technology solutions to poverty.

Monday, May 15, 2006


'It is interesting that you compared her to a rodent.'
'Why do you say that?'
'Apparently, the ancient science of purushasuktam gave pointers to the king on how to judge strangers. The central principle of this system was to juxtapose people and animals and derive their base qualities from comparing man and beast.'
'Really? That sounds fascinating'.
'Let me give you some more to chew on. I think of Ganga bai as a piranha. Here is her story.'


Blogger Hameeduddin said...

so then lets have the phirana tale soon....

3:54 pm  

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